viernes, octubre 14, 2005


Siempre olvido el pin que activa mis pensamientos.
Aunque nunca olvido el pin que activa mis recuerdos....

8 comentarios:

Carme Padró dijo...

Vaja! Quin blog més verd....! Vols dir que per recordar no cal pensar, també....? :-|

singermornings dijo...



p.s. uno de tus linkis esta mal... (milkyelephant)

Carme Padró dijo...

Pozi! Yo también me he dao cuén, Maia! ;-)

mala dijo...

Creo que ya he arreglado lo del link!!!

mala dijo...

Mordelia fate, it is true pijus is looks like you!!!!
You should hang your picture in your profile!!!!
And i think that she has the same name as you!!!

Carme Padró dijo...

Hey Mordelia! I just though you weren't english because in the original version of the film the name wasn't Pijus Magnificus nor Biggus Dickus know, if you were english the most probably thing would have been to see the film in your mother language... ;-)
Anyway, I'm VERY curious and still wondering who you are!(because is quite obvious that Maia knows you in person, too....).
Cheers!!! :-D

Carme Padró dijo...

Oh, vaja, veig que s'han creat masses expectatives entorn de la meva personeta....
*por de no estar a l'alçada*

ego dijo...

Hey, voleu parar de deixar missatges aquí??? que és un blog, no un xat! ;)
Hey, would you mind stop making comments here. This is a blog, not a chat!!!